Contrary to popular belief, your favorite magician in Charlotte NC, Zelnik, will not just magically appear at your event. You have to let him know about it. You have three contact options and it helps to give as many details as possible to make sure that your event is as successful as it can be. Do not delay, conatct Zelnik today.

Contact Options

Phone: 704-281-2698


Fill out the form below

You can make your event better with captivating and entertaining magic. Whether it’s an end of the year party, a training event or team building, the magic of your favorite magician in Charlotte NC will definitely enhance the time everyone is together. The show although geared for adults is clean humor and has been described as dad joke funny. Your entertainment is guaranteed and laughter and smiles will be seen and heard. Or the othere way around. Either way you can not go wrong. You will not regret your decision to have Zelnik at your event and you will have many people thanking you for bringing in such  fun and memorable entertainment.

 fiveNorth Carolina magician, South Carolina, magician, corporate entertainer, corporate magician, Charlotte corporate magician, magician Charlotte NC, magicians Charlotte, Charlotte magician. North Carolina magician, South Carolina, magician, corporate entertainer, corporate magician, Charlotte corporate magician, magician Charlotte NC, magicians Charlotte, Charlotte magician. Magic is fun for everyone. Entertainment that includes magic is the best kind of entertainment whether it is for adults or adults that still have a lot of kid in them. People always have a good time when they are laughing, participating and being amazed. Just going in for the count. We just need twenty more words to make it work. One two three four